It's time to get creative because everybody is going online. What do I mean? Some essential information regarding domain names that might come in handy.
Dot Com was the first extension so it's searched first.
It is the most familiar to users and trusted by email providers.
Dot com means dot commercial.
Some similar generic words have attracted many tens of millions of dollars but just because they are gone forever doesn't mean that you don't have any options left either, just add "i" "tm" or "m" to a word and you have registered an information, trademark or "m" emoji domain (they are the only three emoji that don't need a special code.
Emoji domains make great hashtags on social media #Bull™️
If this domain name were in any other extension other than dot com the hashtag would need to reflect the appropriate extension.
Lastly an emoji user handle adds even more value, something that would normally be discarded once a custom domain ne is added, not treasured.